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IBMS Graduate, David Dik, published in ACS Chemical Biology

Author: Cheryl Schairer

David Dik Article Cover

Graduate of the Integrated Biomedical Sciences PhD Program and former Eck Institute for Global Health graduate fellow, David Dik, had an article published in the most recent volume of the esteemed journal, ACS Chemical Biology. The article explores how the natural product, Bulgecin A, bolsters the activity of clinically-used antibiotics.

Other authors listed in the publication include Integrated Biomedical Sciences faculty members and EIGH members Shariar Mobashery, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and Joshua Shrout, Associate Professor of Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering & Earth Sciences. Dik earned his PhD in January 2019 with Mobashery as his Doctoral Advisor.

Click here to read the full article.

The IBMS program is a cross-departmental PhD program that organizes research and training thematically rather than according to traditional departmental structures. Students in the program have the opportunity to engage in cutting-edge research occurring across the campus of the University of Notre Dame. 

The University of Notre Dame’s Eck Institute for Global Health (EIGH) serves as a university-wide enterprise that recognizes health as a fundamental human right and works to promote research, training, and service to advance health standards and reduce health disparities for all.  The EIGH brings together multidisciplinary teams to understand and address health challenges that disproportionately affect the poor and to train the next generation of global health leaders. For more information about Notre Dame’s Master of Science in Global Health degree program, click here.



Edited from an article originally published by Kelly Thomson at on February 22, 2019.