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ND/Purdue University Graduate Symposium

Author: Warren Family Center

The first annual ND/Purdue University Graduate Symposium in Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology was held from October 28-29, 2022 at the Morris Inn at the University of Notre Dame. This was a two-day student-organized symposium that will rotate annually between participating schools. The graduate students from the host university organized and moderated the entire meeting. The event brought together ~150 graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and faculty members in the field of medicinal chemistry and drug discovery from the two universities. This event allowed students the opportunity to present their research to both peers and experienced researchers. Friday night included dinner and a presentation by keynote speaker, Dr. Dale Boger, from The Scripps Research Institute. Friday night concluded with a poster session presented by 30 graduate students and post-doctoral from two universities. Saturday events included a continental breakfast followed by eight oral presentations from both graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. Organizers from the University of Notre Dame were Hao Xu from the Blagg Lab and Amy Sorge from the Melander Lab. The event will be held next year at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.  Below are the poster session and oral presentation winners.

Poster Session Winners

1st place - Sandra Ordonez (Purdue University)

2nd place - Homero Dominguez (University of Notre Dame)

3rd place - Molly Youse (Purdue University)

Oral Presentations Winners

1st place - Clinton Gabel (Purdue University)

2nd place - Zihan Qu (Purdue University)

3rd place - Sabrina Khan ( University of Notre Dame)








Originally published by Warren Family Center at on January 31, 2023.